It’s state reporting season in Indiana these days. As a private school offering the Indiana
State diploma and accepting voucher funding, we are responsible to collect,
format and report various data points regarding students, faculty and course
offerings. I have written before of my
feelings about big data… my feelings haven’t changed.
The lesson in frustration of state data reports is still strongly in
favor of “data is only as good as the human inputting it” … but this week, I
have to admit, something rather remarkable occurred.
You all can read ad nauseam about the woes of the ISTEP
exams in Indiana. Last week, I was
working on the TL report (or Testing Label report for those of you not in the
know). Data requested includes students
with testing accommodations/special needs.
None of this is particularly interesting… but the data collection method
turned a corner of cura personalis I
did not expect or anticipate. I called a
meeting of Academic Counselors and Learning Center Faculty to fill out the
spreadsheet. We ended up talking about
each individual student needing accommodations, updating one another with
recent evaluations, checking in on student who may need additional care and
generally enjoying one another as professional educators. This process took all of 25 minutes – but the
outcome was way beyond another spreadsheet. The conversation, dare I say
colloquy, created in the group a companionship for the
benefit of the young people in our care.
The conversation created a companionship for students as individuals, in
light of care and consideration for their lived potential.